Successful Intervention in Las Vegas

A Father’s Gratefulness for a Successful Substance Abuse Intervention in Las Vegas on his Son

I just spent three days in Las Vegas with Mr. Robert (“Bobby”) Newman trying to save my son’s life. My son, Scott, has suffered major addiction problems since attending college 12 years ago. Scott was in Vegas all summer where he took his addiction up to a whole new level—he was hallucinating, wildly paranoid, and at times associating with armed criminals. My family and Scott’s girlfriend tried for months to persuade him to leave Vegas and check into a detox/rehab center, but we made no progress on our own.

I learned about “Newman Interventions” from an addiction podcast on YouTube. While I had never considered an intervention, for my own sake I decided to try it in a last-ditch effort to save my son. Rather than giving up or waiting for Scott to hit the inevitable “rock bottom”, I decided that even if the intervention ultimately proved unsuccessful, at least I could go to my grave knowing I had done everything I could for my son. Bobby and I flew to Las Vegas the day after Christmas for the intervention. After three intense and emotionally-draining days, Bobby was successful in convincing Scott to accept the help being offered.

I still don’t completely understand how Bobby was able to pull it off, as my son has never sought treatment voluntarily (only court-ordered rehab). We only saw Scott in person for a total of two hours on the first day and during the 20-minute trip to the airport on the third day. In between were a set of carefully crafted text messages and phone calls. At each step, Bobby told us what to say and what to avoid saying based on his unprecedented experience and intuition. Bobby’s attention to detail was beyond impressive. His passion for what he does was obvious—you would have thought it was his own child he was attempting to save.

The moment the plane took off with Scott and Bobby onboard bound for the treatment center reminded me of the joy I felt on the day Scott was born three decades ago. I will be forever grateful to Mr. Newman and his staff for the guidance and expert help they gave both me and my son. If you are reading this review, I encourage you to reach out to Newman Interventions for consultation…I really wish I had done so many years ago. Godspeed.

R.G – Father in Michigan

Bobby’s notes: When families understand there is a process to a successful drug abuse intervention, it increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Drug abuse is no joke. It takes the will and the hope away. It makes it awfully hard to say yes to rehab. And yet, hope is never fully lost until our very last breath.

Read the letter of a mother whose son is now in drug rehab…

Beloved Son Said YES to Substance Abuse Rehab

A Beloved Son Said YES to Substance Abuse Rehab

My 25-year old son had been on drugs since 14 years old. By the age of 21, he was hooked on meth and in a downward spiral. His dad & I felt helpless. We had been turned down by everyone we called stating that if he was not willing to go to rehab, they could not help him.

I finally spoke to the Fresh Start Program help line. They, in turn, gave me Bobby Newman’s phone number and stated that he was an interventionist that has helped parents like us get their child to be willing to go to rehab.

Bobby was amazing, to say the least! He took control of our situation and understood our desperation and gave us direction and hope. For the first time in years, I felt we were finally taking a step toward helping our son. Bobby was informative and walked us through the steps to get our son to say ‘yes’ to going to rehab.

Bobby traveled with him through his flight and up until the Fresh Start coordinator drove away with our son to the rehab center. It’s been an up and down recovery but today, my son is drug free and learning to live a full and happy sober life. Bobby and his team still check in with me and as a mom, that means more to me than they will ever know! Thank you is not nearly enough for what Bobby has done for our family.

K Smith in Arizona

Bobby’s note: Helping to save a life is the greatest joy we can have. The intervention that results in an agreement to undergo substance abuse rehab must follow a process calling for specific steps and persistence. We are so  glad to see this beloved son now in caring, skilled hands.

Read the letter written by the hopeful father whose daughter is leaving meth addiction behind

Tammy J – Schenectady, NY

I want you to know I am forever indebted to you for saving my daughter. If it were not for you, I don’t know if I could have convinced her to go get help. I really appreciate you and the things you do for family’s out there. Yes I know it’s your job but you take it to a whole new level. I really thought we were going to have to wait it out but with your quick action you gave us just enough time to get her out of there. I really appreciate you.

Tammy J – Schenectady, NY

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