Intervention Execution 

Once all the planning and preparation have been completed it is time to execute the intervention.  Those who are participating in the intervention play an important role, and this is why it was essential to select the right people to be there.  This should have been the strongest members of the family who are the most emotionally mature and determined.  Close friends could also have been included, but the people who should not be there are those who would give up easily.  Anyone who enables the addict should not be there and anyone who is wavering before the intervention starts should not be there.  It is also important to mention to the interventionist if there are any family members who are heavy drinkers or who use drugs. 


Location and Timing

The location of the intervention is important with the overall execution of it.  The location of the intervention must be entirely under control, and there must be no ringing phones, and distractions of any kind, such as visitors who may come and go.  Everyone who is at the intervention must be those who are taking part.  If the intervention is taking place at the parent’s home or a relative’s home, it is important to look for a location that is out of the comfort zone.  For example, a hotel room that is miles away from the home is a good location.  Do not choose a public place such as a restaurant, and any children must be taken somewhere else where they are kept safe.  Any pets should also not be there, and it is also important to consider the physical layout of the home or hotel room.  This means considering any possible escape route.  This may sound foolish to think about, but remember you are backing a drug or alcohol addicted person into a corner with no options. 

When you select a time it should be when the addict is the most sober, and your intervention specialist can help you determine this.  Typically, this is usually late morning, but every addict is different, and you ideally want a time when they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  The airline or transport schedules must also be taken into consideration, and it should only be a short time between when the addict says yes and they are being transported to a treatment center.  If the addicted person is binging on drugs around the clock, such as with stimulants, it will be more challenging to engage their interest in recovery.  This is all the more reason to have a professional interventionist on your team to help keep things moving and ensure everyone is on the same page. 


Setting Boundaries Also Known as the Consequences and Bottom Line

The execution of any good intervention relies on those who are participating to set boundaries.  The family must be willing to look at what they will do to convince the addicted person they need help.  If an addicted person sees any weakness they will take advantage of it.  The average addict does not want to abuse drugs for the rest of his or her life, and there is part of them that do want help.  However, drugs are powerful and completely take over.  The addicted person should never be given an opportunity to think about it and the decision is always made at that moment.  The family must come to a consensus about what the consequences will be if the addicted person says no to treatment. 

For example, the bottom line could include changing all the locks and preventing all entry into the home.  The family can cancel the addict’s cell phone if this is applicable, or stop giving them money, paying their bills or medical expenses.  The family will no longer bail them out of jail and will refuse to help them with any legal situation.  They may want to move all of their possessions out of the house, and never let them return.  If they are already in legal trouble, the family may threaten to revoke their parole, or file for an immediate restraining order and call the authorities if needed.  If you abandon any of the boundaries you have set the family will be right back to where they started.  If you choose to not follow through with any of the consequences, you are telling the addict it is ok for them to return to using drugs or alcohol. 

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