The Intervention Process

The intervention process starts with contacting a professional interventionist.  When an intervention is run the right way, most addicted individuals will decide to cooperate.  The purpose of a family intervention is to regain control and demonstrate the family is serious about the addict getting help.  When someone is rooted in their addiction they lose control of their lives.  There is a continual downward spiral with the addict abusing drugs or alcohol, regardless of the harm done and the consequences.  When you first contact Newman Interventions, we start the process spending time on the phone answering your questions, gathering information about your loved one and explaining the process of an intervention.  There is a significant amount of communication between a professional interventionist and the family.

Once the family has engaged our intervention group, we will travel to where you live and begin the planning process for the intervention.  The first day is spent with the family, and this is where all the detailed planning takes place.  For example, the time and place where the intervention is happening are determined, along with who will be there.  Much of the first day spent with the family is about education and demonstrating how the pattern of not wanting to get help can be stopped.  Typically, when family members tell their loved one they need help, an argument will start up, the addict will leave, and will then show up again at another time.  With the help from a professional interventionist, this pattern is broken.

How does the family regain control during the intervention process?

The individual having the intervention is presented with undeniable proof that the family means business.  Much of this is done with the presence of a certified interventionist brought in to work with the family.  Along with this, when every single person in the room refuses to enable their drug or alcohol abuse, the addict knows that something different is taking place.  Any good family interventionist will familiarize the family with what to expect during the intervention.  This is about preparing the family members for the challenges that lay ahead.  The people in attendance at the intervention will become stronger and more effective in their demands.  The unity of everyone involved in the intervention process demonstrates control and resolve to help the person who is addicted.


What happens during the intervention process if the addict says yes or no?

If your loved one says yes immediately after hearing everything that the family has to say, the professional interventionist will escort them to the drug rehab center.  This process must happen quickly, which means that the drug rehab center must be available, paid for, and all transportation arrangement has been made.  If there is any chance that the addict must wait around for logistics to be sorted out, there is a strong likelihood they will change his or her mind about getting help.  There should be no long goodbyes once the addict says yes.  It is difficult to leave the emotions checked during the process of leaving for treatment, but it must be done to show that everyone means business.  Someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol will manipulate situations, especially emotional family members who may have enabled them in the past.

If the addicted person says no, the family or those involved with the intervention present the consequences of their decision.  These are the consequences that have been pre-determined if the addict chooses not to get help.  For example, if the addicted person has children, the spouse may threaten a restraining order preventing the addicted person from seeing the children if they do not go for help.  The consequences of their choice must demonstrate that the family means business and is no longer allowing the problems of the addiction to persist.


Does the intervention process stop after they are in treatment?

Newman Interventions is available for the family at any time and will encourage the family to contact us at any point if their loved one is wavering while at treatment.  Our intervention group is there for the family, and to help guide them through the healing process and what they can do next now that their loved one is in treatment.  The family must remain strong and follow through with the consequences if their loved one threatens to leave drug rehab.  Newman Interventions is there to help manage the family and ensure they stay on the right path before, during, and after the intervention is done.


Saving a Life Starts Here

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