What causes people to become addicted to drugs?

Numerous factors contribute to someone becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol. Typically, it is a combination of multiple motivating factors, some that are more obvious than others, but there is always one that was the primary underlying issue. The purpose of drug treatment is to address the underlying issues connected to the addiction. Counseling and therapy help addicts understand what caused them to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. People take drugs for different reasons, and the underlying motivation is different for each person. Some individuals use drugs to feel good because they produce an intense feeling of pleasure and euphoria. Other drugs cause increased energy and a false sense of well-being. Most of these effects are followed by feelings of power, self-confidence, and increased energy. The feel-good emotions become addictive and are a strong motivating factor for someone to keep using drugs.

For example, someone who comes from an abusive environment, or someone who is always bored could choose to use drugs to make themselves feel better. Most people do not fully understand how simple it is to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. These substances provide the user with the feel-good feelings they need to avoid pain, anguish, boredom, guilt, or remorse, etc. Many people in the country will choose to use drugs to feel better, such as if they are struggling with social anxiety, depression, and stress. The drugs and alcohol alleviate these feelings and provide a false sense of feeling good. Stress is a strong motivating factor for people to abuse alcohol and or drugs because you believe it is alleviating stress completely. Some individuals feel the need to do better in their lives but are unsure of how to make this happen. Drugs and alcohol become a solution to help them focus, be more productive, and accomplish more, or at least this is the illusion.

One of the most common ways people become addicted to drugs or alcohol is through curiosity or peer pressure. Drug and alcohol use is glamorized through social media, whether subtly or blatantly; recreational drug use is seen as being part of life. Pure curiosity causes many people to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Curiosity leads to addiction because there are often underlying problems they are struggling with, and all of a sudden, the drugs are making them feel better. Most human beings will search for an easy way to solve problems that they have no immediate solution for. Drugs and alcohol are presented as a solution, which is seen throughout much of the United States. Pharmaceutical companies rely on marketing new drugs as a way to solve problems that the everyday person is struggling with. Street-level drug dealers present their product as a means to feel better, accomplish more, and regain your self-esteem. All someone needs to become addicted to drugs or alcohol is one motivating factor, and it is not always one that is obvious.

Regardless of the reason why someone becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol—rehabilitation and treatment area priority. There are countless drug and alcohol treatment centers across the United States, but it is not always easy to convince an addict they need treatment. Professional family intervention is a successful approach and does work. Hiring a certified interventionist ensures the family is capable of regaining control over the situation. Substance abuse and addiction rip families apart, and without treatment, the problem becomes progressively worse. An interventionist is qualified and trained to work with the family and help their loved one get the help they need.

The process of intervention usually lasts a couple of days, but this is dependent on the extent of addiction and how resistant a person is to treatment. The first day is spent with the family educating them about addiction and intervention. The entire intervention is planned, such as who will be there, where it takes place, and what treatment is available and arranged. The next day the intervention is done, and when successful, the drug-addicted individual is escorted to the rehabilitation center. While the person is attending treatment, the interventionist continues to work with the family and provide support and guidance.

Most people that attend drug rehabilitation attempt to leave within the first couple of weeks, which is normal. It is essential for the family to remain strong and determined to keep their loved one in treatment and follow through with the consequences if needed. Overall, the rehabilitation process is unique to the individual because the cause of addiction is different for each person. The first step with rehabilitation is detox, which is crucial in managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Typically, the severity and accompanying withdrawal symptoms determine what type of detox is required. Inpatient medically supervised detox and withdrawal management treats severe problems of addiction. Medical detox would manage a person that is addicted to pain medication, alcohol, or prescription drugs.

Conventional detox programs are usually attached to most inpatient or outpatient drug treatment centers. Traditional detox services manage most forms of street drug addiction, and this is crucial before any counseling or therapy takes place. The next phase of rehabilitation involves attending an inpatient or outpatient drug treatment center. Residential drug rehabilitation is either long-term or short-term, and the severity of addiction determines what is needed. Long-term drug treatment usually lasts three to six months or more, but this varies. Short-term programs provide options for three to six weeks and is a common option for most families. Professional interventionists will help an addict get to treatment and continue to work with the family during rehabilitation.

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