Professional Intervention for Club Drug Addiction

Club drugs have become increasingly popular with today’s adolescent and young adults throughout the United States.  Also, referred to as designer drugs, which means they are manmade and not derived from anything natural. For example, ecstasy is a popular club drug and around 80 to 90% of people who attend rave parties use this drug.  The trends with these drugs are always changing within the nation, such as with how the drugs are designed and made. As many new recreational drugs emerge, young people are not informed, and end up becoming addicted to them or are casually using them.  These types of drugs are found to be used in many different social settings. Young people will come across them while attending high school, college, and university. When an intervention for club drug addiction is done, it is often always for an adolescent or young adult.   

When you first contact Newman, Interventions regarding this type of addiction, we will want to gather as much information as we can.  There are various types of club drugs being abused in America. For example, methamphetamine is a widely-used stimulant drug and is laced into other drugs.  Ecstasy is the most recognized and is popular because of its stimulant properties. Ketamine and GHB are also widely abused in the United States. GHB is well-known as being a date rape drug, and both of these drugs are often used in combination with other drugs.  If you are unsure about what drug your loved one may be using, a professional interventionist can help you determine this. 

Is an intervention for recreational drug use necessary?

Most club drug addiction involves the use of other drugs and alcohol.  Recreational drug use is a term used to brush aside drug addiction. The person may not believe they are addicted to the drug, but they are still using it for its effects, despite the consequences to their health.  A recreational drug user or a weekend warrior has set a pattern of when they use and how much. The days or evenings are planned out, and or the drugs are used to cope with the stress of daily life. This type of drug use always progresses into a more serious form of addiction.  There are always motivating factors that force recreational drug users to consume more and increase the frequency of their use. A drug intervention can be done at any time with any type of addiction. If the family knows they have a problem and they refuse help, intervention can be done.  Newman Interventions will help a family in any situation where an addict is unwilling to get treatment. The reality is that any type of drug addiction progressively becomes worse without help. Recreational drug use is still considered addiction and drug abuse.  


Are there treatment programs for club drug addiction?

Yes, any type of drug rehabilitation center in the country treats patients who use these types of drugs.  Club drug abuse is often part of a larger drug problem, or the person is using more than one type of club drug.  Drug rehabilitation involves detox and therapy, and Newman Interventions can help your family locate a program prior to the intervention.  Typically, these types of addictions involve teens and young adults. This would mean that a good treatment program is one that works with patients within this age group.  Finding the right type of treatment is important, and a program that is a good fit. The length of rehabilitation needed is dependent upon the severity of the addiction. When you contact Newman Interventions, we can go over the process of determining the severity of the addiction and find the right type of treatment for the addict.


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