Substance Abuse Intervention Strategies

Newman Intervention Services 

Developing a substance abuse intervention strategy is paramount when you are confronting an addicted loved one who has a drug or alcohol addiction. There are several factors involved when organizing and planning a substance abuse intervention and you only really get one shot so you need to make it count.

Tens of thousands die each year because of drug and alcohol abuse. There are many questions that always come to the service. Such as, is it going to work? What if it doesn’t work? And one of the most common questions is, what are we going to do after they leave the rehab program? Preparation is vital when planning an intervention, and here are the top substance abuse strategies to consider. These questions and many more are asked and answered during planning and preparation stages.

Organizing your team is the first step to consider here. If you cannot hire a professional interventionist please get someone that’s a neutral to be involved with your intervention.
Plan your intervention thoroughly. Your family education day is very important and it’s very important that everyone involved on your intervention team be present. Whether you have a professional interventionist, or a neutral Family friend or family member or pastor etc. You will need to go through the list of minimally, the 25 tips for successful intervention, and plan and write these things down so everyone is prepared.

Keep in mind that interventions are best staged when the addicted person is not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Having a professional interventionist there makes this step much easier because of their knowledge of the effects of drugs and alcohol. All legal or illegal substances affect everyone differently, and the experience of a certified interventionist ensures the proper time and day is selected.

The only way an intervention is done right is through review and planning. A successful substance abuse intervention is about reviewing all aspects of the plan. For example, what is said, who is going to be there, where is it taking place, are the flights booked, is the treatment center paid for, and how is the addicted person getting to the program.

Finally, an intervention does not have to be completely unpredictable, if everyone involved is prepared for different outcomes. Professional interventionists bring a wealth of knowledge and experience with this regard. These professionals know what to expect based on the preliminary data gathered from the family. Everyone involved in the intervention is prepared for every possible outcome.

The goal, regardless of what happens, is to have the addicted person agree to receive help. The intervention is only the beginning of your loved one’s journey, and ongoing follow up is essential, which is why intervention professionals are needed. Professionals aid the family in deciding the next course of action, guide them through the preparation, execution, into treatment, and throughout the recovery process.

We are going to provide you with the tools that we use to help families prepare for interventions and of course, if you have any questions you can always give us a call. See the links below for more information

This video is by Bobby Newman, Certified Certified Substance Abuse Counselor, Prevention Specialist and Intervention Professional (<a href=””></a>)

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