Is Tricare Alcohol Treatment Effective?

The effectiveness of rehabilitation depends on how well the treatment services are matched to the person attending the program. Most insurance providers, such as TRICARE, have in-network health providers they work with and recommend out of network providers. Along with this, the willingness of the person attending treatment is also important, but an addict does not have to be 100% willing to attend drug rehab. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the goal of treatment is to return people to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and community. Most people who enter drug rehab and remain in treatment stop using drugs, decrease their criminal activity and improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning.

Unfortunately, relapse is a reality, but well-rounded alcohol treatment does reduce the chances of relapse. Alcohol addiction is a common problem within the United States, and it impacts millions of Americans. Many of the alcohol addictions are part of larger drug problems involving prescription drugs or illegal street drugs. The alcohol treatment services covered by TRICARE help alcoholics in different ways. Typically, the treatment type is determined by the health care plan and what is covered. The first step with rehabilitation is detox, and most alcohol addiction requires a medically supervised detox, which uses withdrawal management to control withdrawal symptoms.

Detox should not be considered the only treatment approach because it will not provide adequate counseling and therapy. The next step after medical detox involves attending an inpatient or outpatient drug rehab program. Residential drug rehabilitation is the best option because all services are provided onsite to help the addict and family. Long-term drug rehabilitation usually lasts three to six months or more, whereas short-term programs provide services for three to six weeks. Rehabilitation should be well-rounded, and it is also recommended to follow through with aftercare support. An aftercare program would involve living at a sober living home or attending a 12-step meeting or peer support groups.

However, not every alcoholic is willing to attend treatment, and most families organize a professional intervention. Family intervention works and is most effective when a certified interventionist is hired to help. Professional intervention groups have the training to counsel families and help an addict get to treatment. Alcohol addiction becomes progressively worse when it is left untreated. Someone addicted to alcohol is likely abusing other drugs, which increases the risk of overdose. Family intervention saves lives, and there is no bad time to organize a family intervention. Unfortunately, there is a common misconception that an alcoholic must hit rock bottom before the family intervenes, which is not true. Early intervention is the best approach and increases the chances of the alcoholic overcoming their addiction.

Sources- 2020, June 3. How effective is drug addiction treatment? Retrieved from on 2020, October 12

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