intervention FAQs

What makes an addiction intervention successful?

Several things will help make an intervention successful, and much of the process starts with hiring a professional interventionist. Certified interventionists help guide families through the entire process. A successful intervention is about advanced planning and preparing the family for everything that may come up during the intervention. It is crucial never to schedule the intervention for a time that the addict is likely to be high or stressed. There are also situations where the addict may still be working and will have to go to work that day. People who are abusing drugs or alcohol are often struggling with difficult situations in their lives, which can lead to volatile conditions. Planning is essential and doing the intervention when you know the addict can be there without much distraction or outside worry contributes to its success.

It is crucial never to shame them in any way. The message the family must project is one of love and support, but setting a line saying they will no longer accept them being addicted to drugs or alcohol. An intervention is not a place for guilt and making the addict feel guilty, but instead helping them understand how their addiction has been affecting the people who love them. The addict should not come away feeling like a bad shameful person but should see how the actions of their addiction are affecting their life and the lives of the people around them. The letters you read should be short and to the point, along with much of the communication. When family members begin to ramble on it can become overwhelming.

The treatment plan and drug rehabilitation program will have already been organized and arranged before the intervention takes place. It is crucial to ensure that the payment methods for treatment have previously been worked out, and all the transport arrangements have been made. If the addict refuses to get help, the family must follow through with the consequences. The moment they do not follow through with the consequences, all of the work and planning will have been for nothing. A professional interventionist helps a family become prepared for this and ensure they stick with the bottom line if the addict refuses to get help. The purpose of the addiction intervention is to show the addict that the family means business and is taking control of the situation.

The Right Rehabilitation Contributes to the Success of an Intervention

Finding the right treatment center before the intervention ensures the drug-addicted individual becomes sober and maintains his or her sobriety after treatment. Convincing someone to attend treatment is only the first step. During the first couple of weeks in treatment, most addicts want to leave, and this is normal. However, if the treatment is the right fit for them, it becomes much easier to convince them to stay and work with the program. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, people who experience substance use disorders can take many pathways to recovery. Most individuals benefit from evidence-based substance use treatment that addresses their specific needs.

However, no one form of rehabilitation is right for every addict. Effective rehabilitation addresses all of the patient’s needs, not just his or her drug use. Also, remaining in treatment long enough is critical, and treatment does not need to be voluntary to be effective. There are countless rehabilitation methods available across the United States. Many programs involve traditional approaches like 12-step, cognitive behavioral therapy, and motivational interviewing. Non-traditional approaches are also effective, like holistic treatment, adventure and wilderness programs, and therapy that incorporates art or music.

Most professional interventionists have addiction counseling certifications and other qualifications to make treatment recommendations. Also, because they work with so many different treatment programs, they have the perfect insight into what treatment would be the best approach. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, most research has shown that when an addict gets into treatment and remains in the program, they stop using drugs, decrease criminal activity, and improve their occupational, social, and psychological functioning. Rehabilitation should be well-rounded and help a person physically, mentally, and even spiritually.

NIDA. “How effective is drug addiction treatment?.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 3 Jun. 2020,

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