Successful Drug Intervention for Vicodin Addiction

Vicodin or hydrocodone is a combination of pain medications hydrocodone and acetaminophen and is prescribed to treat severe pain.  The drug was approved for medical use in the 1980s and is listed as a Schedule II drug by the Drug Enforcement Agency.  During 2016, Vicodin was the 13th most prescribed medication in the nation, with over 40 million prescriptions.  Vicodin is a highly addictive drug and is difficult to stop using once you become addicted.  A Vicodin addiction for many Americans starts with a prescription to manage pain.  However, with long-term use, abuse or misuse, this quickly turns into an addiction.  Professional drug intervention is often always needed for someone who is addicted to Vicodin.  There are many barriers in front of a Vicodin addict when you speak to them about getting help.  The most common excuse is they have the problem under control and are decreasing their dosage and still need it to manage the pain.

The pain they are currently managing is the withdrawal pain when they attempt to lower their dosage.  Vicodin, like any other type of opioid, creates dependency and tolerance, requiring the drug user to increase the dosage.  Withdrawal symptoms become more severe, which also prevents the drug user from wanting to stop.  Typically, the first place they will go once the intervention is successful is medical detox.  Medical detox helps them through the withdrawals and ensures they can make a smooth transition into treatment.  Newman Interventions will help your family find a proper detox and treatment program.  Early intervention is important with Vicodin addiction because once they no longer can get prescriptions, it progresses into a more severe problem.  Most prescription opioids addicts who no longer are getting prescriptions will turn to heroin.  Heroin is affordable and does produce the same effects.

How quickly can a professional intervention be organized?

Professional intervention can be organized right away, and Newman Interventions will work with you to ensure an intervention is successful.  Opioid addiction progressively becomes worse when the addict does not get help.  However, intervention is the best way because most opioid addicts are resistant to the idea of treatment.  When you first engage Newman Interventions, a lot of time is spent on the phone answering questions and gathering information.  When we arrive to do the intervention, the process happens quickly.  The first day is spent with the family organizing the intervention, planning who is going to be there, where it will be done and what time.  The next day the intervention takes place, and this typically happens quickly by the time the family starts reading their letters.  The addict will either break down and immediately say yes, or will put up some resistance.  Professional intervention is the most successful way to convince a Vicodin user they need help.

The Scope of Opioid Addiction in the United States

According to the CDC in 2017, there were almost 58 opioid prescriptions written for every 100 Americans.  More than 17% of Americans had at least one opioid prescription filled, with an average of 3.4 opioid prescriptions dispensed per patient.  Many of these prescriptions are needed for legitimate reasons, yet the risk for abuse is high.  If you start to notice the signs of addiction, it is important to reach out for help.  It is never too early to intervene, and Newman Interventions will help.  Even if you have questions, and want to know more about intervention for Vicodin addiction we will help.   

Works cited

Prescribing practices – Sept. 14/19

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