Successful Drug Intervention for Hydrocodone Addiction

Hydrocodone is an opioid used to treat severe pain of a prolonged duration, while also being prescribed as a cough suppressant, and combined with either acetaminophen or ibuprofen.  This particular opioid is more beneficial than codeine as a cough suppressant and is more potent than morphine when treating pain.  Hydrocodone is the most frequently prescribed opioid pain medication in the United States.  Millions of people throughout the United States abuse hydrocodone and per the Drug Enforcement Agency, close to 12 million people used hydrocodone in the last year for non-medical reasons.  When we are performing an intervention for hydrocodone addiction, it is approached the same as any other opioid addiction.  Each intervention is unique based on the person the intervention is for, but Newman Interventions does know what to expect with opioids.

The family education day is preparing the family for what to expect, and someone who is addicted to hydrocodone will either be functioning or on the verge of losing everything.  Despite hydrocodone being prescribed for medical reasons, it can be easily gotten illegally.  Long-term prescription opioid users will typically also be using heroin, which is a cheaper alternative to hydrocodone.  An intervention for any type of opioid addiction must happen quickly because the risk of overdose is high.  The timing for the intervention is also important and must be done when they are not using or when they are experiencing serious withdrawal effects.  These are the steps that Newman Interventions will help a family work out during the first day. 

How easy is it to become addicted to hydrocodone?

Prescription opioid addiction happens every day within the United States.  Many of the addictions start because the user is taking the drug longer than required.  Hydrocodone is used to treat severe pain, yet long-term use creates dependency and tolerance.  It is when this happens where it becomes difficult to stop taking hydrocodone.  The risk of addiction and dependency is high when you have been prescribed hydrocodone.  The illegal use of this drug is widespread across the nation and is a common drug used by heroin addicts when they can access it.  Like any type of opioid, it is easy to become addicted to it.  The intense euphoric effects, the feeling of being detached from your body, and sensation of pain create severe psychological addiction.  Professional intervention is the best way to help anyone who is addicted to hydrocodone. 

Most opioid users are resistant to the idea of getting help because they feel they can stop on their own.  The reality is, the withdrawal symptoms prevent the average opioid user from ever stopping.  Withdrawal pain is difficult to manage on your own, and this is why medical detox is important. The detox is the first place we are taking the addict to help them become stable prior to therapy.  If the family has not already lined up a detox or treatment program, we can help you find the best possible treatment options.  It is important to select the program prior to the intervention and ensure everything is arranged.  If you feel your loved one is abusing hydrocodone, reach out to Newman Interventions for help.          

Works Cited – Hydrocodone – Sept 14/19

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