Addiction Treatment Services | Comprehensive Addiction Services

From Admissions to Aftercare: A complete path to recovery

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Welcome to Newman Intervention & Addiction Services, where our commitment to your recovery is unwavering. We offer comprehensive addiction treatment services, ensuring that every aspect of your well-being is addressed. Our holistic approach integrates traditional and alternative therapies, tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual. Begin your journey to a healthier, more fulfilling life with us today.

Addiction Services Overview: A Comprehensive Path to Recovery

At Newman Intervention & Addiction Services, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive addiction services for individuals struggling with substance use disorders. Our substance abuse services encompass a wide range of modalities designed to address both the underlying causes and the symptoms of substance use. We believe in a holistic approach to addiction services, ensuring that each aspect of an individual’s well-being—physical, mental, and emotional—is given the attention it deserves.

Whether it’s drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sober coaching, or relapse prevention our dedicated team is here to help. Our experts offer personalized care through a seamless network, connecting clients to the right providers and resources. Although we make recommendations based on the information obtained it is ultimately up to the family to determine what treatment path is best for their loved ones. This is based on several factors that we will be glad to discuss with our initial consultation.

Along with the below links our Addiction Services can consist of:

  • Assessment of the addiction.
  • Addiction Information
  • Medical Detoxification Information
  • Recommendations for treatment options.
  • Insurance Verification
  • Admissions coordinate admissions to ensure a smooth transition into care.
  • If needed intervention planning to help loved ones take that first crucial step.
  • For additional support we have helped with travel arrangements to the treatment facility, ensuring that everything is organized for a seamless and stress-free admission process.
  • Continued Consultation while your loved one is in treatment.
  • Sober Coaching After Rehab
  • Relapse Prevention Programs

Addiction Treatment Services: Step by Step

Addiction is a complex and challenging condition, but with the right support, recovery is possible. Our addiction services hope to offer a holistic approach, guiding individuals from the initial stages of intervention through to long-term sobriety and relapse prevention.

Drug and Alcohol Intervention is often the first critical step in the recovery process. Our team works closely with families and loved ones to develop a compassionate and effective intervention strategy. The goal is to help the individual recognize the need for treatment and to motivate them to seek help.

Once the individual has committed to recovery, Sober Coaching provides essential support after treatment. Our sober coaches offer personalized guidance, helping clients navigate the challenges of early sobriety. This includes developing healthy routines, setting goals, and building a support network. Sober coaching is tailored to each individual’s unique needs, ensuring they have the tools and strategies necessary to maintain their sobriety.

Relapse Prevention is a vital component of long-term recovery. Our services focus on identifying triggers, building coping mechanisms, and reinforcing positive behaviors. Through ongoing support and counseling, we help individuals sustain their recovery, preventing relapse and promoting a healthier, substance-free life.

From intervention to sober coaching and relapse prevention, our comprehensive addiction services are designed to support individuals every step of the way on their journey to recovery.

Addiction Services
(Click links to get specific information on each service)

Holistic Approach to Address Substance Abuse

At Newman Intervention & Addiction Services, we believe in a holistic approach to address substance use and substance abuse. Our comprehensive addiction treatment services go beyond traditional methods by incorporating natural and alternative therapies that focus on the mind, body, and spirit. Holistic practices are vital in supporting mental health and ensuring a balanced recovery process.

Understanding that substance use, and mental health are deeply connected, our programs aim to address the root causes of addiction. We recommend a variety of holistic and natural therapies designed to enhance the overall well-being of our clients.

Natural, holistic, drug-free approaches to recovery focus on healing the mind, body, and spirit. These methods emphasize lifestyle changes, including nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, and therapy, to promote overall well-being. Techniques like meditation, yoga, and acupuncture help manage stress and cravings, fostering balance and inner peace. By addressing the root causes of addiction and promoting self-care, these approaches empower individuals to achieve lasting recovery without relying on medication for long term treatment.

Addiction Information, Addiction Treatment and After Rehab Services

At Newman Intervention & Addiction Services, we are dedicated to providing a complete continuum of care for individuals struggling with addiction. Our approach begins with education and awareness, moves through tailored treatment options, and extends into robust aftercare services, ensuring long-term recovery and well-being.

Addiction Information is the foundation of our services. We believe that understanding addiction is the first step toward overcoming it. Our team provides in-depth education on the nature of addiction, including the physical, psychological, and social factors that contribute to it. We also offer resources for families and loved ones, helping them to understand the complexities of addiction and how they can best support the recovery process.

Addiction Treatment at Newman is personalized to meet the unique needs of each individual. We offer a range of evidence-based treatment options, including inpatient and outpatient programs, detoxification services, and therapy. Our team of experienced professionals works closely with clients to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses the root causes of addiction and fosters sustainable recovery. From cognitive-behavioral therapy to holistic treatments, we provide a comprehensive approach that targets both the mind and body.

After Rehab Services are a crucial component of our approach to recovery. We recognize that the journey doesn’t end with the completion of a treatment program. To support long-term sobriety, we offer ongoing services such as sober coaching, relapse prevention, and information on support groups. Our aftercare programs are designed to help individuals navigate the challenges of life after rehab, providing them with the tools and support they need to maintain their sobriety and lead fulfilling lives.

At Newman Intervention & Addiction Services, we are committed to being there for our clients every step of the way, from initial intervention to long-term recovery.

Holistic and Natural Alternative Addiction Treatment Services


Holistic and natural alternative addiction treatment services offer a comprehensive approach to recovery, addressing the mind, body, and spirit. These services focus on healing the entire person rather than just treating the symptoms of addiction. By integrating various natural therapies and lifestyle changes, holistic treatment aims to foster long-lasting recovery and overall well-being.

At the core of holistic addiction treatment is the belief that addiction affects every aspect of a person’s life. Therefore, recovery requires addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Natural therapies such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and massage therapy are used to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and restore balance. These practices help individuals reconnect with themselves, manage cravings, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

Nutrition plays a vital role in holistic recovery. Many individuals struggling with addiction have nutritional deficiencies that can hinder their recovery. A balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals, supports the body’s natural detoxification process and helps restore physical health. Nutritional counseling and meal planning are often included in holistic treatment programs to ensure that individuals are getting the nutrients they need to heal.

Exercise is another key component of holistic addiction treatment. Regular physical activity not only improves physical health but also boosts mental well-being by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural mood enhancers. Exercise routines are tailored to each individual’s needs and preferences, encouraging them to build healthy habits that support long-term recovery.

Mindfulness and emotional healing are also emphasized in holistic treatment. Techniques like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), art therapy, and mindfulness meditation help individuals process emotions, develop coping strategies, and build resilience.

Holistic and natural alternative addiction treatment services provide a nurturing environment where individuals can heal from addiction and reclaim their lives, leading to sustainable, whole-person recovery.

Information on Detoxification and Medicated Assisted Treatment: Our Viewpoint

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is widely used in addiction recovery to help individuals manage withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings, making it easier to transition to a drug-free life. MAT often involves the use of medications such as methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), or naltrexone, which is supposed to stabilize brain chemistry and block the euphoric effects of opioids or alcohol. While MAT can be an effective tool in the beginning of the recovery process, it also raises concerns about the potential of replacing one drug with another.

The concept behind MAT is to provide a safer, controlled substance that mitigates the dangerous effects of illicit drug use, such as overdose and the spread of infectious diseases. However, we argue that MAT can become a substitution rather than a solution. This concern arises particularly when MAT is used over the long term without a clear plan to taper off the medication.

Methadone and Buprenorphine

For example, methadone and buprenorphine are opioids themselves but are synthetic. While these medications can help individuals avoid the harmful effects of street drugs, they still carry a risk of dependency. Some patients may find themselves dependent on these medications for years, which, while preferable to the chaotic life of active addiction, still leaves them reliant on a substance for daily functioning. A 32-39% of those on these programs relapse within the first year.,in%20the%20last%206%20months.

Moreover, the use of MAT can sometimes overshadow the need for comprehensive addiction treatment, which includes therapy, counseling, nutritional guidance and addressing the root causes of addiction. Without these critical components, MAT alone might not fully resolve the underlying issues that led to substance use in the first place.

Methadone and Buprenorphine, just like opioids, can lead to nutritional deficiencies by affecting appetite and metabolism. A poor diet makes these deficiencies worse, weakening the body and making it harder to taper off these medications. Proper nutrition is essential to support the body during the step-down process.

In conclusion, while Medication-Assisted Treatment can be a valuable part of the recovery process for the medical detoxification phase of treatment, it’s important to approach it with caution. It should be viewed as a temporary aid rather than a permanent solution, with a clear plan for eventually tapering off the medication and focusing on holistic, long-term recovery strategies.


In the medical detox phase of alcohol addiction treatment, benzodiazepines like Xanax, Klonopin, and Valium are commonly prescribed to help manage withdrawal symptoms. These drugs are effective in reducing anxiety, preventing seizures, and alleviating the physical discomfort associated with alcohol withdrawal. Their use during detox is typically short-term, aimed at stabilizing the patient and ensuring a safer transition away from alcohol.

However, a growing concern in addiction treatment is the continued use of benzodiazepines beyond the detox phase as a solution to anxiety. While these medications can provide temporary relief, they were never intended for long-term treatment due to their addictive potential. Benzodiazepines work by enhancing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that inhibits brain activity, leading to a calming effect. Over time, the brain can become dependent on these drugs to regulate anxiety, leading to tolerance and addiction.

The long-term use of benzodiazepines can obscure the underlying causes of mental and emotional distress. Instead of addressing the root issues—such as unresolved trauma, chronic stress, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder—these medications can mask symptoms, leaving the underlying problems untreated. This can create a cycle where individuals become reliant on benzodiazepines to manage anxiety, without ever finding true resolution or healing.

Moreover, the addiction potential of benzodiazepines adds another layer of complexity to recovery. Individuals may find themselves struggling with dependency on these medications, which can be just as challenging to overcome as alcohol addiction. Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be severe, with symptoms including heightened anxiety, insomnia, and even seizures, making it difficult to discontinue use without professional help.


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