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Back in 2014, more than 21.5 million adults in the U.S. had a substance abuse disorder. One in 10 Americans aged 18 to 25 were heavy alcohol users and one-third were constantly binging on alcohol. These numbers have only increased over the past few years.

Alcohol and drug abuse are a global concern. Millions of people worldwide are struggling with addictions. Some end up losing their lives.

Depression, anxiety, destructive behavior, heart disease, liver damage, and kidney problems are all common among addicts.

Even though many people are aware of these risks, they continue to use their drugs of choice. Some struggle with deep emotional issues and can’t give up drugs, while others simply don’t care about consequences.

If one of your friends or family members is abusing drugs, there are ways to help him. Setting up a professional intervention is one of the best things you can do for your loved one. It might be exactly what he needs to acknowledge his problem and break free from addiction.

But why should you do an intervention in the first place? Here are three reasons to consider this strategy.

Interventions Can Be a Wake-up Call

Not all addicts are aware of their problem and its impact on their lives. Some people believe it’s perfectly fine to enjoy a few drinks every day after work or whenever they have some free time. Others keep telling themselves that they can give up alcohol or drugs anytime.

Only 11 percent of Americans who abuse illicit substances or alcohol receive specialty treatment. Many times, they try to quit by themselves but return to their old habits within weeks or months.

Interventions save lives. This approach can serve as a wake-up call and help your loved one stop receive the treatment he needs before it’s too late.

Show Your Support

Let’s face it: most people don’t really know how to deal with a drug addict. They often feel confused, angry, or helpless, say the wrong things, or ignore the problem altogether. This can lead to hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

Staging an intervention is one of the best ways to show your support. When a professional is present, people are more open to suggestions and chose their words more carefully. This applies to both the addict and those trying to help him.

As a family, you’ll have the chance to express your emotions in a controlled manner and let the addict know how his actions have affected your life. This can motivate him to seek treatment and accept the help offered.

Act before It’s Too Late

Acting early in an intervention can help you and other family members catch any unhealthy behaviors of your loved one as early as possible.

It allows you to find out why he’s abusing drugs in the first place, whether it’s because of stress, fear, trauma, or loneliness. With this information, you can help him overcome the challenges in his life and find other coping mechanisms.

Furthermore, early intervention can minimize the long-term physical and psychological effects of alcohol or drug abuse. It also gives your loved one a chance to break free from addiction before it takes over his life.

Why Should You Do an Intervention?

Are you still asking yourself why should you do an intervention? Besides the reasons listed above, this strategy may help your friend or family member see life from a different perspective. It can give him hope and increase his confidence.

If you decide to stage an intervention, make sure you have an expert by your side. Use these tips to find a professional interventionist so you can help your loved one get his life back on track.

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