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Did you know the abuse of illicit drugs, alcohol, and tobacco costs the country over $740 billion each year? Millions of people suffer from an addiction, which means there’s likely someone in your life facing this same struggle.

Addiction can destroy relationships, tear families apart, and cause pain and devastation for those who are suffering. For friends and family members who want to help loved ones in this situation, planning an intervention is a smart move.

To give your intervention the best chance of success, it’s smart to use the services of a professional interventionist. If you are wondering, “what is an interventionist,” you’re in the right place. Learn what an interventionist is and what benefits they bring to the table here.

What Is an Interventionist?

An interventionist is a professional who determines who should take part in the intervention. The people selected to become part of the addicted individual’s recovery team and will help encourage them to seek treatment. An interventionist is a professional trained to help families and friends encourage a loved one struggling with addiction to seek treatment. They facilitate interventions, which are structured meetings aimed at addressing the individual’s substance use in a supportive yet direct way. Interventionists assess the person’s situation, guide the family in preparing for the intervention, and provide strategies to communicate effectively. They manage the emotional aspects of the intervention and mediate any conflict, ensuring a productive environment focused on helping the individual realize the need for change.

In addition to helping put together this team, an interventionist will also train, direct, guide, provide tips and education, and support everyone during the intervention and provide aftercare. Their goal is to initiate a journey toward recovery, not only for the individual but also for their support network, helping everyone involved move forward with hope and stability.

If you are planning an intervention for a friend or loved one, having an interventionist help can be invaluable. This is especially true if the individual is resistant to treatment.

Benefits Offered by Using the Services of an Interventionist

If you are on the fence regarding whether or not you should hire an interventionist, learning about some of the benefits they offer can help. These are listed here.

The Addicted Individual Can Also Suffer from Substance Induced Psychosis

Many people who suffer from addiction also suffer from a substance induced psychosis. In fact, these individuals are twice as likely to suffer an addiction when compared to those without a mental illness.

Some of the most common mental illnesses that go hand-in-hand with addiction include:

  • Conduct disorders
  • Antisocial personality disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Mood disorders

With multiple issues like this, having the help of an interventionist is beneficial as the individual may be destructive and impulsive. The professional will know how to diffuse these situations.

Family Members Aren’t Sure What to Say

There are many families who don’t know how to express how severe the problem is so that it convinces the addicted person to seek treatment. This is an extremely common situation and another area where an interventionist can help.

The professional is often like a “breath of fresh air,” offering family members a new outlook and new words to use. In many cases, this is exactly what’s needed.

The Addicted Person Has a Violent Past

It’s true that not everyone who has an addiction problem is violent; however, it is possible. If you are planning an intervention for someone with a violent past, having an interventionist there is important.

They can help the family crate statements that aren’t inflammatory and provide guidance if an argument ensues.

So What Is an Interventionist?

As you can see, an interventionist can bring quite a few benefits to the table. The information here should also fully answer the question, “what is an interventionist?”

When you are informed and know there is help available, you can have the potential for more success with your intervention. If you would like more information about planning an intervention, contact us today.

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