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Using any type of drug in the modern day is a gamble. Many of these substances are not what they appear to be and are typically mixed with other drugs or chemicals. Countless overdose deaths are linked to drugs such as cocaine, meth, and heroin were fentanyl analogs were discovered. The purity of illegal opioids is never the same, and one single dose is enough to kill a person. Family intervention and treatment are essential, and TRICARE programs and insurance coverage does help.

The COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted the illegal supply of drugs across the globe, and illicit drug prices have surged in many markets. Most would believe that the supply chain interruption is a good thing, but various levels of government have stepped in to fill the void. Harm reduction programs ramped up significantly, especially across the United States. Regulations and restrictions were eased on prescribing methods and prescription drug production in the U.S. increased.

How TRICARE Insurance Works for Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Now is the time to organize a family intervention—TRICARE insurance works to help addicts access treatment and or detox if they are covered within their insurance policy. The risk of overdose and death is increasing due to these illicit drug shortages. In a report published by the United Nations, it highlighted that many countries across the globe had reported an overall shortage of numerous types of drugs at the street level. Additionally, price increases for consumers on the black market and reduction in purity. What does this mean for the average drug user? Anyone who is addicted to drugs and cannot access their drug of choice will turn to dangerous substitutes—or will take advantage of state-level programs to receive prescription drugs.

The risk of overdose increases dramatically when drug users begin to switch and or alternate drugs they are taking. Within the UN report, it projects drug shortages at the retail level and an overall decrease in recreational drug consumption. For example, there are reports of shortages of heroin in North America, which leads to domestically produced substances, increasing the risk of overdose. Some drug users may even switch to fentanyl and its derivatives. The pandemic has resulted in an increase in pharmaceutical products due to government intervention. For example, benzodiazepines have reportedly been doubled in prices in some regions. Addicts now are more at risk than ever before—TRICARE insurance coverage for drug and alcohol rehab offers the resources families need to treat the addiction.

TRICARE Insurance for Addiction Treatment—The Eventual Surge of Drugs Flooding the Market

TRICARE offers an extensive amount of services for the treatment of substance use disorders. TRICARE may cover inpatient services, intensive outpatient programs, withdrawal management or detox, partial hospitalizations, and residential substance use treatment. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone in some way. The rates of substance abuse, overdose, and suicide are all increasing because of extreme lockdowns. Family intervention has never been more important. Drug and alcohol rehab centers are adapting and finding new ways to help patients while maintaining social distancing.

Treatment providers should be prepared for a possible surge of drugs flooding the market in the near future. The lockdown restrictions could hinder opiate productions, such as in Afghanistan between March and June, where the opium harvest is at its height. The closure of the Pakistan border has already resulted in a shortage in the western and southern provinces of the country. A lack of petrol or gasoline in Columbia impeded the production of cocaine. The pandemic is also limiting the ability of state authorities to control coca bush cultivations, which could lead to an increase in coca production. Cocaine prices have dropped in countries like Peru, which has led to a reduction in trafficking opportunities. Over the short-term, production is impacted; however, the economic crisis will lead farmers to begin cultivating cocaine crops or even opium poppy crops in all the major producing countries.

The economic downturn caused by the pandemic could potentially lead to a profound transformation of drug markets across the globe. Within drug-producing countries, this means vulnerable households become more economically dependent on opium and coca leaf production. Within the United States, local production has the potential to increase. However, when border traffic begins to flow again, the oversupply of heroin and cocaine could suddenly surge into the country at some point.

The Necessity of Family Intervention Using TRICARE Programs

Family intervention works and helps a family take control of the situation and help their loved one. These are challenging times for anyone using drugs or even someone in recovery. However, those who work in the treatment industry are there to help. Professional intervention services will ensure your family can save the life of your loved one. A certified interventionist will help you navigate the programs that TRICARE provides within your insurance policy. The goal is treatment and healing the family dynamic. The COVID-19 pandemic and extreme lockdowns have been devastating, and millions of addicts are left in the dark, not knowing what to do. Now is the time to reach in and offer help and intervention is the right step.


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