How do I organize a drug addiction intervention?

Organizing drug addiction intervention begins with hiring a professional interventionist. Intervention groups are operating across the nation performing interventions. When a family chooses to hire a certified interventionist, they are regaining control of the situation and helping their loved one. Drug and alcohol addiction rips families apart and destroys the family dynamic. A certified interventionist would help a family begin the healing process, and this starts with organizing a family intervention. There is a significant amount of time spent on the phone when a family first contacts a professional interventionist. The initial time spent on the phone is where questions are answered, and concerns are addressed. It is at this time when the family would decide to hire the interventionist.

The first day the interventionist meets with the family is usually the family education day. It is during this time that the family is provided information about addiction and intervention. Also, the interventionist helps the family work through any issues with enabling and co-dependency, which are issues that could de-rail the intervention. The people who are taking part in the intervention are the family and friends closest to the addict, but who are also the most emotionally stable. This is crucial because if one person gives into what the addict is saying,all the work would have been for nothing.

The entire intervention is planned, and everything is organized, which includes the time, location, who will be there, and how the person is getting to the treatment center. Usually, the interventionist should escort the addict to the treatment center because they know what to expect and how to handle it. Also, there is less emotional tension when someone other than family and friends escorts the person to drug rehab. After the family education day, the second day is where the intervention occurs. Everyone in attendance is prepared for everything, and interventions do become emotional. The family will have decided on consequences if their loved one decides not to attend drug rehabilitation.

Everyone must be on the same page, especially when it comes to offering an ultimatum. Typically, an intervention is successful because the drug-addicted person is forced into a corner and is shown the full extent of their addiction. The process is not about placing or pointing the finger, but rather demonstrating how the addiction has affected their lives and the lives of the people around them. The first step with treatment is detox, and this is crucial in managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Following detox, the next step with treatment involves attending inpatient or outpatient drug rehab. Typically, the extent and severity of addiction determine what method of rehabilitation is required. All of this is done when organizing a drug addiction intervention.

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