Does prescription drug addiction treatment require drug detox?

Prescription drug addiction requires drug detox because of withdrawal symptoms. According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 2.3 million people aged 12 or older received substance abuse treatment in the past year. Many of these individuals receive method of detox, such as medically supervised detoxification. Medical detox is a process done under medical supervision to ensure the withdrawal symptoms do not become too much to manage. Typically, withdrawal management involves the use of medication to control withdrawal symptoms. Medical detox programs are inpatient facilities, usually a non-hospital setting and are often part of a residential rehabilitation program.

Detox is the first step, and it should not be considered the only approach used during treatment. Unfortunately, there is a common misconception that detoxification is all that is required when addicted to prescription drugs. Prescription drug abuse causes dangerous physical and psychological dependence, which requires medical supervision during detox. Following detox, however, the next phase of treatment involves attending an inpatient or outpatient treatment center. Residential and outpatient drug rehabilitation programs are the best options. Inpatient treatment centers offer short-term and long-term programs. Typically, an addiction assessment would determine what method of rehabilitation is required. An addiction assessment could be done over the phone or in-person, and it benefits the family and addict.

Residential drug treatment centers offer excellent resources to treat prescription drug addiction. Lengthier programs are good resources for an addict with a long history of addiction and who struggle with chronic relapse. Short-term rehabilitation typically lasts three to six weeks, whereas long-term programs provide services for three to six months. Overall, rehabilitation should be well-rounded and help a person address all aspects of their addiction. Aftercare support is also recommended, and this process helps a recovering addict remain connected to other sober people during recovery.

However, it is not easy to convince an addict they need help, but family intervention is a successful approach and helps families regain control. The intervention process is best organized by hiring a professional interventionist. Certified interventionists are trained and qualified to counsel families and perform interventions. The purpose of an intervention is not to place blame but to help the addict understand the importance of treatment. Drug users are often unaware of how their addiction is affecting their life and lives of the people around them. When family and friends come together, everyone can say their piece and have an impact. The first step for prescription drug addiction is detox, but family intervention helps families begin the healing process.

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