Intervention Testimonial

Newman Intervention Services

I want to give a little testimonial to the very able handling that Bobby did in an intervention on my brother. My brother was out of touch with the whole family for 12 years. He wouldn’t talk to my father. He’d been shut out by his mother, and basically we didn’t know what was going on with him, except that he wouldn’t talk to anybody and he finally made contact with us. When I went to see him, I could see that he was basically at rock bottom. He was an alcoholic and it made sense what was going on. Here is a shell of a man who actually is brilliant. He’s a brilliant computer scientist. He’s taught at universities. He’s done big things for big companies, and here he’s living in a very tiny office space with zero money, no driver’s license, drinking heavily every single day, a shell of a man, and I said, we need help.

We decided on Narconon because that’s the only program we found that was actually not going to be drugging him more. There’s nothing wrong with religion, but it just kind of puts a happy spin on it. It was not going to effectively handle his problem. So we did an intervention with him where I brought him to my sister’s house and Bobby was there and right away, Bobby took over in the most gentle high infinity way possible. And through all of my brother’s negativity and stops, and I’m not going to do it unless you do blah, blah. It was a little rough sometimes, and Bobby was always there really just not forcing the issue, giving him answers when he wanted it, talking about it, finding out what was his concerns and it actually was very smooth.

He had the total tech down on how do you actually do this without overwhelming a person. He’s already overwhelmed with alcohol and I thought intervention, what does that mean? That means someone is getting surprised by people, and all of a sudden they’re forcing him to do something he doesn’t want. It couldn’t be further than from the truth. It was more like bringing him to an understanding of what could help him.

When he arrived, which we needed Bobby to go all the way with him because he would not have arrived. When he arrived. He smiled again for the first time in many, many years, I am sure. He knew there was a chance out, and he’s now on the program and very much happier. I couldn’t thank Bobby enough for his very able handling. He knows what he’s doing, and as unreal as it seemed that he was going to actually make this occur, because I thought, how was he going to do this? My brother can be a little bit of a tough nut. If he doesn’t want to do something, he won’t do it. And Bobby very smoothly handled each and every concern he had to where he was actually willing to go and secretly loving it. Thank you, Bobby. We love you.

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