Does crystal meth intervention work?

Yes, professional intervention does work for methamphetamine addiction. The best way to organize a professional intervention is by hiring a professional interventionist. Intervention groups operate across the nation performing interventions. A professional intervention is a way for the family to regain control and save their loved ones from addiction. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug, and according to the 2019 National Drug Threat Assessment, methamphetamine is available throughout the United States. The highest availability of meth is the West and Midwest regions of the country and a strong presence in the southeast.

Methamphetamine addiction impacts people of all age groups, and intervention works for all age groups. There is a common misconception that an addict must reach rock bottom or a low point with their addiction before they accept help. However, this is not true, and early intervention works and does save their life. Families waiting for an addict to hit rock bottom and ask for help will be waiting for a long time. Moreover, something horrible could happen, such as a non-fatal or even fatal overdose. Taking steps to intervene early ensures the family takes control and gets their loved on the help they need.

Professional intervention also helps families work through problems with enabling and co-dependency. Countless addicts never receive help because they are dependent on another person or a family member is enabling their addiction. Typically, an intervention is a two-day process, and the first day is spent with the family organizing the intervention. Everything is planned, such as who will attend, when and where it takes place, and how the drug-addicted person gets to treatment. The second day is when the intervention happens, and those participating are prepared for everything.

Methamphetamine is powerfully addictive, and this is why interventions are necessary. Once the drug-addicted individual agrees to treatment, it is usually the interventionist who escorts them to the program. A professional interventionist would help a family locate a suitable treatment center before the intervention happens. The first step when treating methamphetamine addiction is detox, and traditional detox is often the best option. Conventional detox programs manage most forms of street drug addiction because withdrawal symptoms are not severe.

Detox should not be considered the only treatment approach because it will not provide adequate counseling. The next step after detox involves attending inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation. Residential treatment is a better option for severe cases of addiction. Long-term programs typically last three to six months or longer. Outpatient treatment is effective, but if a family did an intervention, it would be to have their loved one attend a residential program.

Like any other recovering addict, it is also a good idea to have aftercare support available. Aftercare programs could include an outpatient facility, peer support groups, or a sober living home. It is important to remain connected to other sober people while making a transition back to society. Aftercare support also helps with improving coping and sober living skills.


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