Intervention Preparation 

The preparation is key, and once a drug treatment center has been selected, and the interventionist has been engaged, it is time to start preparing for the intervention.  The professional interventionist you are working with will take lead and help the family prepare for everything that will come.  Newman Interventions has extensive experience and knowledge, and we want to project this on to the family and help them regain control and save the life of their loved one.  A properly prepared family contributes to the overall success of any addiction intervention.  Without any preparation the addicted person will simply walk all over the family, and everyone is back to square one again.


Assembling and Unifying the Intervention Team

The ideal intervention will include people who are respected by and have an emotional attachment to the addicted person.  It is important to carefully choose family members, close friends, and loved ones who can assist.  You should look for the qualities of someone who would not be easily persuaded to give into what the addict is saying during the intervention.  Those individuals who are overly volatile or emotional should not be at the intervention.  Once everyone is assembled, it is important to have the same goals in mind.  These are getting the addicted person to agree to get help and physically escorting them to the treatment center.  Any intervention is difficult emotionally, and along with the unpredictable emotions from the addict, it can be a tense situation.  The intention of the team is to work towards both goals no matter what happens. 

Always Remember Who it is You are Trying to Save

Prior to the intervention, you should take some time to remind yourselves of the person you are wanting to save.  Look beyond their addiction and recall their personality prior to substance abuse.  The individual you know and love is still in there, but is trapped under layers of defeat, guilt, and addiction.  The intervention requires the ability to get through to the heart of the addict and reach the person underneath.  This may only be for a moment, but that will be the moment when they agree to go to treatment.  Remember how much you love the person and why you are doing this.  To do this successfully, part of the preparation is planning for all the foreseeable objections, which are the obstacles and barriers the addict will throw up during the intervention.  The preparation process also involves being prepared for any possible reaction.  During the intervention, you will see your loved throw a fit of rage, cry, become emotional, and possibly even say horrible things to the people there.  It is important to be prepared for any reaction from the addicted person, and the interventionist will help the family with this.  


Can a family prepare for addiction intervention without the help of an interventionist?

Much of this will depend on the education the family will give themselves leading up to the intervention.  There is a significant amount of planning and preparation that goes into any intervention, and certified intervention specialists are qualified to help a family become prepared for everything that will come.  Newman Intervention offers extensive resources to help any family and has courses a family can do to prepare for an intervention.  The goal is to save the addicted person’s life and work with experts in the field who can help the family accomplish this.  The family must also be prepared to hang in there for the long-term.  An intervention has the potential to last for more than one day and the time-line can vary.  The addict may have found a way to take off and avoid the intervention, but the family must stay dedicated to helping their loved one get the treatment they need.   

Saving a Life Starts Here

Learn more about our method for successful intervention. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation with an Intervention Counselor.

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