How do you treat alcohol addiction?

Treating alcohol addiction is not easy because of the intense physical and mental addiction caused by alcohol. Someone who has been\ abusing alcohol for many years would have developed a dependency, along with causing significant physical and psychological damage. The problems with alcohol are extensive, and there are millions of Americans struggling with alcohol addiction. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, an estimated 14.4 million adults ages 18 and older in 2018 had an alcohol use disorder.

The first step in treating alcohol addiction is convincing the addicted person they need help. Most people struggling with alcohol addiction do not realize they need treatment, nor they understand their drinking has become problematic. Alcohol abuse progressively becomes worse without treatment, and family intervention is the best approach. Alcohol intervention helps families take control and save the life of their loved ones. Hiring a professional interventionist ensures this is done properly, and there are intervention groups across the country, providing these services.

Upon successful completion of a family intervention, the first step with rehabilitation is detox. Alcohol addiction can cause dangerous withdrawal symptoms requiring medical supervision. Inpatient medically supervised detox programs provide proper medical supervision and withdrawal management to help an alcoholic overcome the withdrawal symptoms. Medical detox programs usually last one week or more, but this is different for each person. Conventional detox programs are also effective if the withdrawal symptoms are not too severe.

Following medical detox, the next transition with treatment occurs within a residential or outpatient drug rehabilitation program. Typically, the severity and extent of addiction determine what method of treatment is required. Residential drug treatment centers are the most effective for someone with alcohol addiction. Alcoholics require a distraction-free environment with effective counseling, therapy, and relapse prevention. Long-term residential drug treatment is the best option for someone who has been abusing alcohol for many years. Most long-term programs provide services for three to six months or more, but this is different with each facility.

It is also recommended for anyone who completes residential drug rehab also to receive aftercare support. An aftercare program includes sober living homes, 12-step groups, and other forms of peer support. Remaining connected to other sober people is essential during the first months out of a treatment program. Overall, alcohol addiction requires a well-rounded treatment that should help a person physically, mentally, and even spiritually if it is a faith-based program. Overcoming alcohol addiction is not easy and it takes time. However, deciding to organize a family intervention is the first step and is an important choice for the family to make.


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