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Family intervention is not easy to do without professional help, as many things can and do go wrong. Most families are not prepared for the worst-case scenario and do not know how to proceed if the intervention does not go right. Professional interventionists prepare families for the worst-case scenario and prepare them to expect everything. More importantly, the family is taught how to manage the situations as they arise and not deviate from the plan of helping their loved one get into treatment.

During an intervention, the family discusses how addiction affects their lives and the life of the addict. The purpose is to encourage them to get help and attend treatment but the worst case scenario can happen and if you are not prepared, it can devastating. Family intervention services combine education and support to provide the person with the opportunity to change their life for the better. Most people addicted to drugs or alcohol are in denial and find it challenging to face their situation’s harsh realities. Family interventions can be unpredictable, and there are numerous worst-case scenarios that a family should be aware of.

The Drug Addicted Individual Does Not Show Up to the Intervention

An addict does not show up to the intervention despite not knowing what is happening because they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol or do not like the place they are going to and may have been tipped off about the intervention. Professional interventionists help the family decide on what the best spot is to host the intervention. If you choose a place the drug-addicted person does not like, they will not show up. Moreover, timing is essential with their drug-using patterns—family interventionists are aware of the ups and downs associated with drug addiction.

Additionally, some family members know their patterns well and know when they are sober and show up. Coordination is important because the planning ensures the addict will be at the location at the desired time. It should be somewhere private where they feel safe and comfortable but do not have a way of leaving the intervention easily.

Family Members that Become Confrontational, Defensive, and Aggressive

Before the intervention takes place, the right people are selected to be there. Typically, these are level-headed family members, friends, or even co-workers. Those who enable the addict should not be in attendance unless they have resolved the issue. However, during an intervention, the emotions run high, and anything could happen. It is not uncommon for one or even two people at the intervention to lose their cool. Someone may become confrontational and aggressive towards the addict, and this does de-rail interventions.

The intervention is not the time to remind the person of all the wrongs they have done or talk about financial problems, emotional turmoil, and psychological stress. Having a professional interventionist there helps the family stay on track even if someone becomes confrontational. It is an emotionally charged situation despite the planning and rehearsal; it becomes emotional.

The Addict Refuses Treatment and the Bottom-Line Does Not Work

The intervention team develops a bottom line that creates critical leverage to help the person resistant to treatment accept help. The bottom line should be strong enough to help motivate the person and must be something everyone is certain they are prepared to act on. Different relationships warrant different kinds of bottom lines but are only to be carried out in the event that the person does not choose treatment and recovery.

Everyone in attendance has said everything, and the drug-addicted family member still refuses help. The family presents them with two options: seek help or face the consequences of your decision not to go to treatment. However, they refuse despite the consequences, and nothing that is said works. The professional interventionist does everything he or she can to convince them to get help. Everyone at the intervention has done everything they could. Unfortunately, it becomes a waiting game as long as the family does not back down from the consequences they set forth.

Be Prepared for Unexpected Outcomes

Family interventions are the best option to help an addict regardless of what stage of addiction the person is at. A big part of the planning process is being prepared for every unexpected outcome or worst-case scenario. Substance abuse and addiction change the way a person thinks and behaves in drastic ways. The people close to the addict are not always prepared for this. If the intervention does not go as planned, it is essential not to give up after the first attempt.

Do not get angry and give up on them but keep persisting, and the family interventionist does help the family through this. A bad outcome can be emotionally draining, even if you were prepared for everything. However, if the family does not back down and follows through with the consequences, their loved one will change their mind. It is important to keep close tabs on the addict to ensure there is no risk of overdose or suicide ideation. Unfortunately, this is a harsh reality with addiction when reaching a point where there are no other avenues but treatment.

Stay in contact with addiction professionals, interventionists, and or counselors for support. The family interventionists maintain contact with the family and make themselves available to help the addict get to treatment when they reach out. Overall, family interventions work, and being prepared for every worst-case scenario plays a significant part in an intervention’s success.

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