Professional Cocaine Intervention Services

The need for cocaine intervention services are as prevalent now as they ever have been. Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug widely used across the entire nation. Cocaine is produced from the coca plant, and cocaine hydrochloride was isolated from the plant more than 100 years ago. Today in the United States, cocaine is classified as a Schedule II drug by the Drug Enforcement Agency. Cocaine is sold as a fine white crystalline-like powder and is often adulterated with other drugs such as amphetamine or even heroin. There are two chemical forms of cocaine that are abused. There are the water-soluble hydrochloride salt and the water-soluble cocaine base. Cocaine users will snort or inject the hydrochloride salt or will freebase cocaine powder processing it with baking soda and water. Doing this is removing the hydrochloride, and producing a product that can now be smoked. Freebase cocaine is referred to as crack, because of the sound it makes when you heat it up with a lighter.

Why a Professional Cocaine Intervention?

Powder cocaine and freebase cocaine both produce different and unique highs. When you are organizing an intervention for a cocaine user, professional intervention is still the best way. Newman Interventions has helped countless families by organizing the intervention crack cocaine addicts need. This can be a difficult intervention for a family to do on their own without help. Cocaine completely changes a person who is using it, more specifically, they become extremely manipulative. Whether they are smoking cocaine or snorting cocaine, the level of manipulation with the family is extensive. Cocaine addicts often have the most people enabling them. This is one barrier that a certified interventionist will help a family understand and break down. Enabling is damaging and makes it impossible to get a cocaine addict convinced to go to treatment.

Can a crack cocaine addict be convinced to go to drug rehab?

All forms of cocaine are addictive, but when crack cocaine is used the euphoria is instant and it immediately affects the brain.  Crack cocaine addict’s romance after the drug, and are continually chasing their next high.  A crack cocaine intervention needs to be well-planned because the time and place when intervention happens can change instantly.  Crack cocaine creates an unpredictable level paranoia when the person is using the drug.  A crack addict can be missing on a bender for days, weeks, or even longer.  However, what is different from crack cocaine than other drugs, is the downtime between these crack-benders.  This is where the organization and planning are done while working with Newman Interventions.  It is at the point when a crack addict is just starting to come off the drug and is feeling the guilt, shame, and remorse.  Typically, as this time they often show up at a family member’s home or a friend’s house and come back to where they were living.

At this moment is when a crack cocaine addict can be convinced to go to drug treatment.  This is only successful with a professional interventionist, because of the level of manipulation and enabling.  The family must follow through with their consequences if the addict refuses help, and most crack cocaine users will not agree to get treatment unless no other options are left.  Newman Intervention Services helps a family establish the bottom line and show their loved one they mean business.  Long-term inpatient drug rehabilitation is an excellent option for cocaine addiction.  Our intervention team will help the family source-out the best possible treatment options for their loved one.  Cocaine intervention with a professional greatly increases a families success in getting their loved one to treament. 

Saving a Life Starts Here

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